Alfa21 - Electronic Request

ALFA21 NET® also offers you the possibility to perform the entry of requests in ALFA21® using the Internet / Intranet from medical centres or peripheral laboratories.

Provide access to peripheral laboratories and professionals from your environment in order to send their request using this tool. These will be incorporated automatically in ALFA21® without the necessity to perform any additional actions. From this module you can follow the changes to the status of the requests, check the results and obtain a report of the electronic request.

Request Entry

Perform the entry of requests from the totally configurable test panels, that each user of ALFA21 NET® can create and modify at any moment according to their needs.

Choose complete panels or select the individual tests you wish. Enter whatever test you need, including those that you can't locate in the catologue, writing the name in the corresponding box.

You can also register your requests from a data file in which all the information you need is registered. The file format is customizable and it adapts to the format used by the peripheral laboratory.

Revise the contents of the file and mark only the patients that you really wish to incoirporate. Configure any of these two forms of work so that they are shown by default when you access the electronic request.

Check up on the Request and the Results

Regularly check the availability of the results entered using the electronic request. These will be published as they are filled in, without the need to wait till the full request is finished.

Use the different filters that ALFA21 NET® offers to locate the requests. Once the consultation has been performed the names of the patients that meet the conditions appear. Click the names to access the results available.

From the moment that you enter each electronic request in ALFA21 NET® it is already possible to generate every type of patient list to facilitate your daily work. Print the reports of a selection of patients or of one in particular, using the same print formats that you have defined in your laboratory.
