In this section we answer those questions we receive most often. If you don't find the answer to yours, go to the contact page and let us know.


Alfa21 is a laboratory management softwware that fully adapts to your needs and costs.
We offer four different versions: Basic, Standard, Professional and Elite. Check which one best suits your laboratory's needs.
It is an independent program; it doesn't depend on any other distributor for its installation or updating. Alfa21 has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to use the program without effort.
Alfa21 is aimed at laboratories that handle up to 5000 samples daily.
There are 4 versions that cover the following types of laboratory: Clinical Analysis (ALFA21), Veterinary (ALFA21 VET), Food & Water/Wine (ALFA21 FQM) and Anatomic Pathology (ALFA21 APT).
It depends on the type of laboratory, for example an installation for a laboratory with 2-3 computers and 4-6 analysers takes approximately 3 days, including the customization of the program and the reports and the training course given by one of our experienced training instructors.
Conexiones analizadores Alfa21 allows you to connect to any analyser on the market, we have already connected a large number of analysers, if the analyser you want to connect to isn't one that we have connected before, we will develop a connection at no extra charge.
Alfa21 allows you to easily customise the report. You can include the data you want, organise it as you wish and include logos and digital signatures, show trend charts, images, you can also configure different headers, models....
If you are a client of Alfa21 with a valid support subscription, we will reinstall the program at no extra cost on the computer you wish.
Our remote assistance service allows you to give you immediate assistance, without losing time or incurring additional costs.
We will discuss the needs of your laboratory with you and advise you on the most suitable solution.
Alfa21 allows us to incorporate what we call external programs, which are modules that perform specific functions, send data, reference laboratory interfaces, ...
If we don't have a program that meets your needs we can discuss the possibility of developing one especially to meet your requirements.